Past Events LCO Booster
held June 7, 2014 in Caledonia, Ontario
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The weather was great for the LCO Booster held in conjunction with the Erie Shores Kennel Club all breed shows and trials on Saturday, June 7. The entry for the Booster could have been better and it was disappointing not to see any males in the lineup, but congratulations to the following participants who did very well under Judge Mrs. Faye Strauss from Kent, Washington, USA. BEST OF BREED - Ch. Heronviews Go Go Dancer (Hanna), bred by Lori Dzingala; owned and handled by Iivi Sillaste. WINNERS BITCH - Sentez Que Bella Luna (Luna), bred by Sondra Boos; owned and handled by Karen Heard. RESERVE WINNERS BITCH - Dream Big Braggin Rites of Ludwicks, bred by Kelly Wigle and Darcy Roehler; owned by Bev Waites and Lori Turner-Otte, handled by Bev Waites. CANADIAN BRED BITCH - Heronviews I'm a Dirty Dancer (Molly), bred by Lori Dzingala; owned and handled by Nancy Donald.
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Page Updated June 11, 2014 |
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Leonberger Club of Ontario