Past Events

Leo Fall Ball

held October 5, 2014 in Paris, Ontario.



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It was wonderful to meet some new members at the Leo Fall Ball this year and, of course, catch up with friends and leo owners we do not see on a regular basis.

To all who attended, contributed to the pot lot lunch and brought raffle items, we thank you. The winner of the 50/50 draw was Tanya McCarthy. Tanya and her husband Brent plus their little guy Sean and Leo Shaggy came from Wellandport to enjoy the day. Congratulations Tanya.

Also thank you to members Colleen & John Beaudin for allowing us to use their beautiful farm to host this event once again. Your lovely girls, as always, were a big help and I think they had fun. They certainly made some wonderful decorations for the occasion.

Children and adults alike enjoyed the ever popular team egg race and musical chairs along with the best trick contest. Can't say that the dogs enjoyed participating quite as much, but everyone had lots of laughs and a good time. The dogs did enjoy the prizes of stuffed toys and treats.

As always, a portion of the profits will be forwarded to Leo Rescue Canada to assist with their ongoing expenses.




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November 5th, 2014

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Leonberger Club of Ontario

Leonberger Club of Ontario