Past Events


held on Sunday, September 13, 2015 at Baxter, Ontario



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The weather could have been better, but it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the participants in the Herding Instinct Test at Have Ewe Herd?

Congratulations to the 22 of 24 dogs who passed their test and special mention to the top 3 runs of the day selected by the Evaluator, Sue Jewell, a Rottweiler an Australian Shepherd and the Leonberger. WooHoo!! Scarlet was indeed a very fine example of natural herding sense.

This was year 5 for the LCO hosting a herding instinct test, and we have excellent participation from many breeds, but this year Scarlet was the single Leonberger participating. This is unfortunate as Leos seem to have a lot of talents in this area.

As in the past Sue Jewell, our Evaluator & licensed Herding Judge did a fabulous job and gave all the entrants ample time to show what they could do. It made for a fun day overall. Thank you also to Sue’s husband Jack who provided us with shelter out of rain. Certainly made the day more pleasant.

Once again, congratulations to the following LCO member and her Leo Scarlet, Quen Star Sagitta Dolce Vittoria, HIC . Scarlet was handled by her owner, Glenna Stephens.

Please plan on joining us next year with your Leo. Information will be available on the Club website, on the LCO Facebook page and will also be announced on the Leo Forum. Hope to see you there.




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October 14, 2015

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Leonberger Club of Ontario

Leonberger Club of Ontario