Past Events LCO Booster in conjunction with Caledon Kennel Association All Breed Dog Show
held Saturday, November 26, 2016 at the International Centre in Mississauga, ON
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Thank you to everyone who came out to support our booster which was judged by Ms. Sharol Candace Way from Cochranville, Pennsylvania, USA. Congratulations to the following winners: BEST OF BREED: Ch. Heronviews Just Cruising (Nuka), bred by Lori Dzingala, owned by Shanna Rae and presented by Junior Handler Carrie Lucas. WINNERS BITCH, BEST OF WINNERS, BEST OF OPPOSITE: Quenstar Sagitta Dolce Vittoria (Scarlet), bred by Izabella Dopierala, owned by Glenna Stephens and presented by Noreen Lorenz. WINNERS DOG: CR Ultimate Encore, CGN (Rory), bred, owned and presented by Cindy Hunt. RESERVE WINNERS DOG, BEST PUPPY: Maple Woods Tripull a Birch Bark (Pull), bred by Melissa Zecher, owned and presented by Sonya Birch. SELECT DOG: Ch. Paddy’s Pamir vom Lowengarten (Cedric), bred by Rahel Schale, owned and presented by Jan Grey. Also, congratulations to Pull and Ozzy for successfully completing the requirements for their CGN designation that same day! And a big congratulations to Nuka for his Group 4th placement under judge Dr. Robert Smith.
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Page Updated January 14th, 2017 |
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Leonberger Club of Ontario