Past Events LCO Booster in conjunction with Brantford & District Kennel & Obedience Club
held Saturday, December 3, 2016 in Brantford, ON
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For the final Club event of the year, this LCO Booster was judged by specialist judge Mr. Per Kristian Anderson (FCI), Norway. Mr. Anderson's selections were as follows: Winners Dog/Best of Winners/Best of Breed - Kamenah Everybody's Talkin Bout Theo (Theo), bred by Juanita Allen, owned by Laura Madden and presented by Noreen Lorenz. Winners Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex - Brixi Angels Benetta (Mopsy), bred by Bagosi Istvan, owned and handled by Tanya McCarthy. Best Puppy/Reserve Winners Dog - Orovale's In It To Win It (Larry), bred by Karen Heard. Co-owners Lauren & Kyle Brownell & Glenna Stephens. Presented by Kyle Brownell. Select Bitch - Ch. Quen Star Sagitta Dolce Vittoria (Scarlet), bred by Izabella Dopierala, owned by Glenna Stephens and handled by Noreen Lorenz. Congratulations to all and thank you for participating.
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Page Updated January 14th, 2017 |
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Leonberger Club of Ontario