Past Events

Introduction to Water Rescue

held Saturday, July 17, 2017 at Red Barn Event Centre, Barrie, ON



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Many thanks to our instructor, June Ward, Water Rescue Judge and expert for guiding the owners and their dogs through the steps for beginning a potential career in Water Rescue. It was an educational and fun experience. Everyone had a great day and even though the sudden thunderstorm and downpour shortened the time frame somewhat, it did not affect the overall learning experience for all those participating.

To start, June let the dogs burn off some energy by taking a leisurely swim in the pond beforehand, then proceeded to explain the different stages of training from the Take & Hold Exercise, retrieving the bumper or toy from the water with boat in tow, rescuing their owners and finally, rescuing a stranger.

It was interesting to note that many dogs showed a natural instinct and ability for Water Rescue and with additional experience and practice could have great potential in this field.

Thank you to those who joined in the day:

Mary Gibbons & family with Oliver, Carey Main & David Semkiw with Reyka, Iivi Sillaste and Cully, Sonya Birch with Pull & Myles, Laura Gibson and Theo, Nancy Donald with Molly, Kyle & Lauren Brownell & family with Larry, Tatiana Tch with her Bella & Mac (Black Russian Terriers)

For those participants who are LCO Members, this seminar would count towards your dog obtaining his Versatility Entry Level designation certificate.(Refer to the Leonberger Club of Ontario website for full details of qualifications and submission information.)




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Leonberger Club of Ontario

Leonberger Club of Ontario