Past Events Orono Booster
Saturday, June 9 in Orono, ON
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The participants in the LCO's Booster at Orono, ON in conjunction with Ontario County Kennel Club had an enjoyable show under Judge Joe Lobb, Brucefield, ON. Congratulations to the winners: BEST OF BREED – Ch. CR Once Upon A Time (Maggie), bred by Cindy Hunt, owned and presented by Jenn Stooke. BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX - GCh. Heronview's Just Cruising(Nuka), bred by Lori Dzingala, owned by Shanna Rae and presented by Carrie Lucas. WINNERS BITCH/BEST PUPPY - Norlil Journey's Illusion (Magic), bred/owned by Glenna Stephens, shown by Iivi Sillaste.
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Page Updated Feb 10, 2020 |
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Leonberger Club of Ontario