Sunday, October 21st in Uxbridge, ON
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Our Tracking Workshop was a great success, despite the fact that it was also the coldest day in October so far. Our instructor, Ginny Neher, had lots of knowledge to pass on to us and had us set our own tracks to run our dogs through. And, as with every gathering of 2 or more leos, we had lunch, where we shared stories and experiences. Hanna and Cully spent the next morning combing all the tracks that had been laid for any "articles" (i.e. treats) left behind, much to their delight. This seminar will gave it’s participants the basic tools necessary should you decide to pursue this very interesting event. Our instructor, Ginny Neher, from the Newmarket area has been involved with every level of tracking since 1974. Thank you Iivi Sillaste for allowing us the use of your home and property for the seminar.
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Leonberger Club of Ontario