Past Events

Carting Workshop



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Sunday, May 7, 2023, Port Perry, ON

submitted by Nancy Donald

I had the opportunity to attend the carting workshop held at Beyond the Pines K9 Centre Port Perry run by Anna-Maria Kristenson and June Ward.

I was there with my 17mth old leo Lula. I had done carting with my previous leo Molly, where we participated in various parades. Molly and I enjoyed the parades and social activities that happened afterwards. We also went to practice tests. Unfortunately we never did the draft test as Molly had health issues.

I was looking forward to getting Lula (who was 17mths old at the time of the workshop) introduced to carting. I was not sure if she would take to it.
The workshop was very organized and very well run with lots of equipment for us to use. Upon arrival we were welcomed with an introduction to carting package showed where we could set up. There was a variety of dogs, small and large with different skill levels. Some had already had some carting experience. Lula was in the inexperienced category. As for me, I needed a good refresher on what to do. The welcome introduction was given by both Anna-Marie and June. They outlined what we should expect from the workshop and how to achieve those goals. After the introduction we were ready to start.

June was helping those who did not have their own equipment with harnesses that were supplied. She explained how the harnesses worked and fitted them on the dogs, then had the owners do the same for practice. Since I had my own harness, I fitted it on Lula with Anna-Marie's help. I had forgotten exactly how it worked, it seemed I had forgotten how to fit it on Lula. Lula was very patient standing while I fiddled around with the straps etc. but she was harnessed and not stressed by it at all. She did have moments of "what the heck is this thing on me". But we were ready to go. We walked around the property without anything attached to the harness just to get her used to feeling of it. I knew she was comfortable when she wanted to play with her friends. It was decided it was time for a break and some lunch. After lunch we got harnessed up and added some weight in the form of a plastic bottle for her to drag around. At the suggestion of the instructors we walked across different surfaces"grassy areas followed by gravel surfaces. An area was set up for all of us to follow each other through cones to do turns and figure 8's. Anna-Marie and June were there to remind us to praise the dogs for a job well done and to start using our commands for right, left, fast, slow stop etc.. Something I kept forgetting to do. We even harnessed Lula to a travois and she did amazing.

I did not expect her to have accomplish so much in one workshop.. It was a great experience for the both of us. Now I just have to put into practice what we learned that day. If there is ever another workshop, Lula and I will definitely attend. Fabulous day and great instructors... Well done.




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