Past Events

LCO Annual General Meeting and Booster held in conjunction with the

Ontario County Kennel Club

held June 12th, 2010 in Orono, Ontario





Congratulations to all the winners !


Canadian Bred Dog

Sterlingden's Konan Y Na 

owned by Carmela Loeper

Open Dog, Winner's Dog
and Best of Winners  

Heronview's Canadian Beau

owned by Linda Engstrom

Reserve Winner's Dog

Accolade of Sterlingden

owned by Beverly Waites and David Ludwick

Senior Puppy Bitch and
Best Puppy

Ludwick's Belle Von Drea

owned by Beverly Waites and David Ludwick

12 - 18 Month Bitch and
Winner's Bitch

Orovale's Forever Saffron

owned by Gail Bishop

Bred by Exhibitor Bitch and
Reserve Winner's Bitch

Kumnc's Miss Marple

owned by June Ward

Open Bitch

Ludwick's Aloha La Dre

owned by Beverly Waites and David Ludwick

Best of Breed

Ch. Orovale's Endless Rhapsody

owned by Gail Bishop

Best of Opposite Sex

Ch. CR Amorouse Rogue

owned by Jackie Day



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August 2, 2010

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Leonberger Club of Ontario